Wanderlust 2017 - week 7
Such a lovely, lovely inspiring lesson for Week 7 of Wanderlust 2017. Artist Clair Bremner shared her art and inspired me to rethink my ideas about fine detailed work dovetailing into abstract art. Her use of leaves to inspire her mark making and paintings is something I can see me incorporating into my work. Her work is beautiful, restful and almost ethereal. Even the warm up exercise of painting leaves make for a lovely page in my journal.
Lovely layers of linocut printing
Back to art class today. This time, in the Introduction to Printmaking course I'm taking, we learned about linocut printing. Loved it. Loved the idea of printing in different colours; layer on layer. Loved the format of the class too ... all about experimentation and mark making. Not searching for perfection just being creative and learning about the technique.
Wanderlust 2017 - week 3
Wilna Furstenberg is so inspiring. I love her art and her approach to her art as well. It was an absolute pleasure to work on the page for week 3 of Wanderlust 2017. I love using acrylic inks but hadn't really used them in Wilna's style. Loved it. I am truly inspired to go and work on a number of pages drawing on her lesson.
Here is my 2 page creation:
Wanderlust 2017 - week 2
This week we were inspired with a lesson by Mary Anne Wangerin. I decided to continue my exploration of "embrace" (my 2017 word for the year) in my project this week. I continued using my new art journal - used the two pages together. Fun.
Left page:
Right page:
Wanderlust 2017 - week 1
Did I mention I love summer? Well no, not the "it's so humid, crank up the air-conditioning" part of summer but rather the "what's the rush, we have time" part of summer. Today, after working my way through my summer-short to-do list I made some time to get out my paints and my new art journal and just have fun.
I have signed up to the Wanderlust 2017 class and so was inspired by the Week 1 lesson to make a page acknowledging my word for 2017: Embrace.
I really hope I am able to carve out time each week to participate in the class lessons and activities. Week 1 - so far, so good!
Skulls and bats and purple ink
Here it is, almost the middle of September already. The days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer ... It must be Spring time! I have been steadily working away on my Halloween tags for 2016. In a perfect world I'd actually like to be finished making them by now. Aaah, but the world is not perfect and I'm not completely in control of the universe (even if sometimes I think I could be!).
I have finished 20 of the 31 tags ... So I guess I'm all good until October 21 by which time I'm sure my grand Halloween plan will have come together and I'll be sipping pre-Halloween cocktails and smugly enjoying my well-organized lead up to this year's party. (I can dream!).
The tags I have done are all looking a little traditional in their theming this year - lots of skulls, lots of bats and purple ink being splashed liberally around. It might be time to throw in a pumpkin or two just to liven things up. Maybe I could even add in a dash of lime green ...
August and October
It is virtually the end of August. Good grief. How did that happen? Typically in our house by the end of July each year we are well and truly in the planning stage for our Halloween celebrations. Somehow though, this year is not going exactly to plan ...
Halloween ideas? Yep, we have a few. Halloween ideas put in to action? Yah, well ... no.
I have made a start on the annual "October Tags". A small start. I've started making a few of them. 5 finished - only 26 to go. Could be a few late nights in September ...
Hello Friday
And so it is Friday. There is something to be said for the look my friend here is giving. I think she has a "don't mess with me" look ... and that is how I feel at the moment. I mean, Friday how long did you take to get here? Like molasses this week. I felt every minute of every day this week. Still, we made it through ... and now for the weekend!
(Traditional drawing; watercolour and water soluble colour pencils)