Punk rocker super hero
I think everyone should have a punk rocker super hero in their life ... don't you? I am having so much fun painting my super hero series. There seems to be a new hero to be found in every painting I do!
This guy reminds me of a punk rocker - or maybe just a super dude. At any rate, he is part of the gang of heroes I have been painting. His super power? Something that involves icy coolness I think ... I can't imagine he'd get his hands dirty while fighting crime ;-)
Anyway, I am clearly having a great time with my negative painting exercise - what (or more likely, who) do I see in the canvas? Such fun!
Super penguin!
The super-hero series continues! Today it was super penguin's turn to be painted. ;-)
I am enjoying this series much more than the flower series I was painting earlier this semester. The flowers were interesting and I learned a lot but the super heroes are just plain fun. I must admit I have no idea who or what I am going to paint and that makes the process even more entertaining.
I wonder what super powers our friend the penguin has?
A hippy, kaftan-wearing, super hero duck
I'm not sure what it is about this painting, but it is one of my favourites. I just set out to play with colour. I had three boards and they were all at different stages of painting and all in different colour palettes. So I put them side by side and just played. Bright colours, drips of paint, splashes and splots - anything that made me happy.
From that mish-mash of colour my friend the duck just emerged. In my mind at least, he is a duck in a hippy caftan channelling his super powers ... maybe everyone won't see that though :-)
This painting was fun to paint and makes me happy when I look at it. I don't think I could ask for anything more! Thank you hippy, kaftan wearing, super-hero duck!
An angry painting
Painting is often like mediation for me. I lose myself in the moment and simply enjoy the process of painting. That being said, I don't usually start a painting in a particular frame of mind. I am usually just pleased to find time to paint.
This painting, however, was a product of me being angry. Not calm, not open to seeing flowers for unicorns. Angry. The anger had nothing to do with the painting or even me personally. I was angry on behalf of someone.
Painting helps. My internal conversations become more focused on the painting and the colour choices than on the issue that is eating away at me. No magic cure of course, the issue is still there, but it provides a reprieve from the anger and that helps.
It is definitely not a favourite painting but it is a reminder of the power of meditation (or my version of meditation).
A brilliant magenta unicorn with super powers
After painting flowers for the last 3 months, I was feeling time for a change. I am not sure I set out to paint a brilliant magenta unicorn with super powers - but sometimes a painting just can't be anything else! ;-)
This is my second "superhero" painting. This guy below was the first in the series.
What do you think? I think they make a formidable team! Lucky they are wearing their masks - otherwise you might know who they are ...
So much fun just to paint. No plan. No stress. Just time out for play!
A simple potted plant
I finally got back to some painting. As always, it is so good, and such a luxury, to be able to spend the morning painting.
My exercise in negative painting and flowers continues. Or, in this case, it is probably more accurately described as a potted plant? Anyway, I just love working in blues and greens (and maybe a splash of orange). This is a long way from my initial idea of the types of paintings of flowers I would do - but actually a much more accurate reflection of the types of paintings of flowers I like to do!
This is only a small painting in size. It was nice to work in a smaller scale than usual. It was also nice to keep the painting as an impression of flowers rather than getting caught up in the details.
Yes, it was a good morning of painting.
A work in progress
I like painting "quirky" flowers. I admire the beautiful, realistic paintings that capture every petal, every leaf, every bud, but painting in that style is not for me. Give me a quirky, representational nod to flowers any day!
Now that I am a little clearer about the type of flower painting I like, I can now spend some time playing in that style. Do I stick only with acrylic paint? Do I add in some pen work or perhaps it will be coloured pencils ... ah, I love those decisions. My plan is to try them all. Paint, pens, pencils = hours of fun!
This particular painting isn't finished but I like it so far - it appeals to my sense of quirky. Now, I just need to find some time to get back to work on this one!
The great flower experiment continues!
What a great way to spend time - pondering how to paint flowers in a way that appeal to my sense of whimsy. I have been experimenting with different ways of painting flowers - admittedly some paintings have been more successful that others!
This particular painting has morphed a few times - from orange-based neutrals to slightly reddish flowers to a complete transformation. :-)
I like the end painting. By no means perfect but definitely getting closer to a style that works for me. And so the great flower experiment continues!
Here are the three stages in that process:
One layer, two layers
I made a start on a new series of paintings today. Finished an initial background layer and also a second layer of contrasting colour. I am working on three paintings in this particular series. My intention, at least I keep saying this to myself, is to use the series to experiment with painting flowers.
The trouble is ... I simply cannot help but see lovely whimsical creatures in these under-paintings. I mean flowers are lovely but how do you resist the creatures who are just waiting to be revealed from within the colours?
Sigh, the underpainting, the splashing of colour is the easy part ... maybe I'll just paint a few more layers and then see where it leads ... it's lucky I don't need to be too preplanned ... I'd never put brush to board then!
Here are the three at the end of layer two:
Preliminary paintings
Practice, lots of practice. There is really no substitute for practice. I have been working on preliminary paintings of flowers as I prepare to work on another series of paintings. For whatever reason (are perhaps in a fit of madness) I am planning to work on a series of flower paintings. Hmmm, this seemed like a great idea until I started working on my preliminary paintings. Flowers are proving so much more challenging than I thought. Ugh.
I may need to work on a few more preliminary paintings before I get close to the painting I have in my mind. Lovely loose flowers ... combined with my love of whimsy ... that's my plan (in my mind at least!).
Here are some of my preliminary paintings ...