Sometimes I am really happy with the way a painting comes together … and sometimes I’m not! Today’s painting just didn’t really fall in to place. I could have spent longer with it and pushed it to a place that works but nah, this was an exercise on a practice sheet of canvas paper. It’s done.

Really the note to self from this painting is to take more time working with the shape of the flower and giving myself a reminder to go back and get it right before I continue … and also to remember that practice is practice and a painting that doesn’t work is as good a teacher as one that came together.

I did like adding the pastels as an after drawing. That is something I think I will use again … maybe. I like the look of overdrawing but I’m undecided about whether I like the pastels themselves. They are pretty but smudgy. I wonder if I can get coloured pencils to do the job instead? Hmmm … more painting and experimenting and learning is in order!