Hooray. After a break of 5 weeks, I finally got back to art class today. Starting a week with 3 hours of painting time has to be the best way to set yourself up for a great week.
In those 3 hours, I paint, I chat, I paint some more, I drink a coffee and I inhale happiness. Love it.
The first few weeks of class each semester is devoted to exercises and activities – something new to add to the learning. This week we were challenged to paint a still life (a world globe and a pink ukulele) – but the still life was moved 3 times. Hmmm. A challenge. How to capture that change in frame of reference?
It did take me a little while to get my mind open to the challenge … In the end I am happy with my solution (which in part was simply to just add a hint of pink ukulele!).
Yes indeed, so very glad to be back at class.