I am so pleased I decided to take the BIA art class this semester. I wasn’t sure if Painting 1 was going to be something that I would enjoy. Previously I have used a small journal for my art – drawing, collaging, writing – but all in a very small scale. This class has stretched me and my art – both literally and metaphorically.

I have just about finished Canvas #4 – I’m calling him Davo. He’s morphed from a background of colour into a blue guy who bears a resemblance to a statue. I still have some work to do to finish the background but I think he’s pretty much done.

The canvas is pretty big – over a metre in width and that has been the fun. I love working on a large scale. Who knew that would be the case? Each canvas takes hours of work, although admittedly the time just evaporates …

I have only a week left in the class for this semester. I need to finish the background for Davo and finish up Canvas #5 … could be a very busy week!