Does everyone rely on a “to-do” list? Perhaps not, I think. They are definitely not for everyone and I appreciate that, but for me my to-do list is an essential part of my day. Every day, all day.
It probably has something to do with the multitude of projects I have on the go at the moment. Most of them are self-imposed learning projects. I can’t imagine not wanting to learn. I love a combination of formal, structured learning and also ad-hoc mini diversions. They all go on my to-do list. I intermingle work and learning and personal on the list. It is all important and I have learned that if it is not on the list it doesn’t get done. Not because I didn’t want to do it … if it’s not on the list I will have simply forgotten about it.
Right at the moment I am probably (i.e. definitely) over-committed to projects. I will need to revise my project list and also my personal sense of timing. When do I think I am going to find the time? What is important and what is just a super-awesome, wouldn’t it be cool sort of project? Shiny balls, I call them (and I do love to follow the shiny ball).