At the start of 2016 I set myself some goals. Some I have achieved, some I am working away on and am on target for the year … and some of the goals have been sitting lost and forlorn in my “to-do” pile.  🙁

One of those lost and forlorn goals was to improve my Photoshop and Illustrator skills. I am reasonably ok with Photoshop but Illustrator and I have along way to go. Given we are mid-November and I have about 6 weeks before I will reflect on my 2016 goals and set some new ones for 2017, I thought I should take action!

I found a great site: and I have been steadily working through some of their tutorials and I am pleased to say I’m getting there. OK, I am convinced the gradient tool in Photoshop and the pen tool in Illustrator were deigned simply to give me grief … but that is just my opinion.

Anyway, I’ve updated my Facebook banner (ala Photoshop) and have created some basic designs in Illustrator. Let the learning continue!