Did anyone else feel like we hurtled through October at the speed of light? Warp factor 9?

Miraculously I managed to finish my Halloween tags just in time. 31 individual tags, 6 recipients, 31 days = crazy! It is a tradition I started a few years ago and one that has evolved each year. This year my challenge to me was to work only with tags; no weird and wonderful shapes or options allowed. It sounded like a reasonable self-imposed restriction in August when I started …

Still I am pleased with how they turned out. Here are two of my favourites:


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I will post a few more over the next few weeks. Interestingly I had a definite leaning towards owls and skeletons this year; not as many pumpkins or purple creatures as in prior years. Hmmm, going to have to find a use for the fluffy purple wool in some other project!